Local SEO Case Study: Ranking 11 Services in 31 Cities in 2 Months Only

This Local SEO Case Study: Ranking 11 Services in 31 Cities in 2 Months Only examines how our client’s business achieved high rankings across 30 cities within 2 months.

Our team behind this success story implemented a comprehensive strategy that included content optimization, internal linking, image SEO, title/meta description, and technical SEO. This strategy enabled them to improve visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive more organic traffic to their website.

Take a look at some results first and then read:

Content Planning & Structure

Content Planning Structure
Content Planning Structure

The main challenge was creating content for all 11 services across 30 cities. To save time and money on content creation, we duplicated existing articles and changed the city name in the URL, title, meta tags & body content. In order to maintain crawl budgets & depths we created hubs- like “Our services in Staten Island”- which mentioned all 11 services pages.

Internal Linking

We interlinked all service pages by adding a box to each page that linked to other relevant service location pages. This helped boost the relevancy as well as indexing of our content.

Image SEO

I used keywords for each article- e.g “Plumbing company in Staten Island” -and downloaded images from the original article changing only the location name before adding it to relevant pages.

Title & Meta Description

We changed only the location name related to each keyword- e.g. “Plumbing company in NYC” -when writing titles & meta descriptions of duplicate pages. This ensures that our titles & meta remain unique but still relevant to the topic at hand.

Technical SEO

Technical aspects of this campaign included managing crawl depth from the homepage so any page is available within two clicks as well as forcing Google bots to index pages daily–simple yet highly effective steps which greatly improved our overall rankings!

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO
Off-Page SEO

We diversified links amongst all pages from the homepage to all eleven sub-pages using different methods including Pinterest Shared, Twitter shared profile links submission, image submission, video submission, Doc sharing, web 2 .0s & High-Authority Links. When we received requests for ranking additional thirty cities, we used one Pinterest shared link & Twitter Shared against each page with visible results.

Results of SEO Efforts

The SEO efforts paid off, resulting in improved website visibility on SERPs (search engine results pages), increased organic traffic, and ultimately more leads generated. Here are the results in detail:

  • The average number of monthly visits increased by 300%.
  • The bounce rate decreased by 20%.
  • Pages per session rose by 24%.
  • The conversion rate rose by 60%.


The successful implementation of a comprehensive SEO strategy enabled the business to climb organic search rankings, drive more organic traffic, reduce bounce rates, and increase conversions. The improvement in these metrics impacted bottom-line profits as well as brand visibility, lending further credence to the importance of ongoing SEO maintenance.

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Abdul Ghani
Abdul Ghani
Articles: 12

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